Characteristics of world weather and climate
Clouds are the visible collections of water droplets or ice particles in the atmosphere. Meteorologists classify cloud types according to shape and altitude.
Cloud Types
Clouds are the visible collections of water droplets or ice particles in the atmosphere. Meteorologists classify cloud types
Cummulus Clouds
They look like a mix between a cotton ball and an unshorn sheep and, even though they come in a range of shapes and sizes
Cirrus Clouds
Cirrus clouds don’t look like your average clouds, as they’re made up of ice crystals. They remain at a high altitude
Stratus Clouds
A Stratus cloud (see also 'How Do You Identify Stratus Clouds?') is a type of cloud that hangs very low above the ground, and is best recognized as a type of cloud
Cumulonimbus Cloud
Cumulonimbus cloud is a distinctly dark cloud that is known for being highly vertical and producing high volumes
People often confuse climate and weather - the two really are quite different.